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*These part numbers, drawings, schematics, and procedures are all subject to change without prior notification. They are provided for reference only.
Version numbers below are only a manufacturing reference - they are NOT an indication of the machine's model year.
To order parts, contact your local REED Dealer directly - or call (909) 287-2100 to be directed to your REED Dealer.
Please call REED at (909) 287-2100 if you have ANY QUESTIONS.*


A Series: B Series: B Series (continued):
A30 V02 parts
A30 V03 parts

A30 V07 parts operation maintenance schematics
A30HP V01
A30HP V02 parts schematics
A30HP V03 parts schematics
A30HP V04 parts
A30HP V05 parts
A30HP V06 parts
A30HP V07 parts operation & maintenanceschematics
A30HPSKEV02 parts, operation & maintenance
A30HPE V07 parts
A40HP V00 parts schematics
A40HP V01 parts schematics
A40HP V02 parts
operation maintenance schematics
A40HP V03 parts operation & maintenance
A40HP V04 parts
A40HP V06 parts
A40HP V07 parts operation & maintenanceschematics
A40HP V09 parts complete manual
A40HP V15 (T4) parts complete manual
A40HPE (electric) V03 parts schematics

B20 V03 parts schematics
B20 V04 parts schematics
B20 V05 parts schematics
B20 V08 parts schematics
B20 V09 parts schematics
B20 V11 parts schematics operation & maintenance
B20 V2017-1 parts complete manual
V03 parts schematics
B20HP V05 parts schematics
B20HP V08 parts schematics
B20HP V09 parts schematics
B20HP V11 parts schematics operation & maintenance
B20HP V26 (Tier 4) complete manual
B20HPSKE V2018-1 parts complete manual
B20HPSKE V24 1.1 (460V) parts    
B20HPSKE V25 (575V) complete manual    
B20x (w/mixer) V03 parts
B20x (w/mixer) V04 parts schematics

B20x (w/mixer) V08 parts schematics operation & maintenance
B20 (electric) V09 "parts schematics operation & maintenance
B30 (pre 1999) hopper parts
B30 (1999 and after) parts schematics
B30HO parts
B45 parts schematics

B50G V01 (Gasoline) complete manual 

B50 V00 parts
B50 V01 parts schematics
B50 V02 parts
B50 V03 parts schematics
B50 V04 parts
B50 V05 parts
B50 V06 parts
B50 V08 parts
B50 V09 error codes parts schematics operation & maintenance
B50 V2017-1 parts complete manual
B50HP V05 parts
B50HP V06
B50HP V08 parts
B50HP V09 error codes parts schematics operation & maintenance
B50HP V25 (Tier 4) complete manual
B50HPS V20 (Tier 4) complete manual
B60 V01 parts schematics
B60 V02 parts schematics
B70 V01 parts schematics
B70 V03 parts schematics
B70 V05 parts schematics

B70 V06 error codes parts schematics operation & maintenance
B70 V08 parts
B70 V2017-1 parts complete manual
B70HPS V2017-1 parts complete manual

B70E V07 parts schematics

C Series:

C Series (continued):

Other Models and Mixers:

C50HP 1999-01 parts schematics
C50HP V01 parts
C50HP V02 parts schematics
C50HPS V02 parts schematics
C50S V01 parts
C50S C50RCV00 parts
C50S C50RCV01 parts
C50S C50SCRV00 parts operation & maintenance error codes
C50S C50SCRV03 parts complete manual
C50S 125cc Main Pump Breakdown
C50S V2017-1 parts complete manual


C50SS V00 parts
C50SS C50RCSV00 parts
C50SS C50RCSV02 parts
C50SS C50SSCRV00 parts
operation & maintenance error codes
C50SS C50SSCRV03 parts
C50SS C50SSCRV04 complete manual schematics
C50SS V21 (Tier 4) complete manual
C50SS V22 (Tier 4 late 2021)parts
C70 V02 parts
C70HPS C70HPSDV02 parts schematics
C70S V00 parts
C70S125cc Main Pump Breakdown
C70S V2017-1 parts complete manual
C70SS C70SSV00 parts
C70SS180cc Main Pump Breakdown
C70SS V2017 parts complete manual
C90S D parts
C90S C90RCV01 parts schematics
C90S C90SDRV04 manual schematics

C90S V2017 parts complete manual

B10R (pre Aug 2001) parts
B10R (after Aug 2001) parts

B10RX mixer parts

B20 version 7523 schematics

B40 (pre 1999) parts
3040 parts
4030 parts
4040B version 12/96 parts
4045 Sidewinder parts
principles of operation
4050B version12/96
5120HP parts
Lift Mixer Attachment 2020 manual
M20 parts schematics
M40 parts  
M2200 Pan Mixer 2020 manual
Mine30 M30ASKE-V14 parts complete manual maintenance and operation
Mine30 M30ASKE-V16 complete manual chemical dosing pump directions

How to Pump Concrete VIDEO - watch a very basic rundown on how a REED Concrete Pump functions (see below for cleanout procedure)
How to Clean out a Concrete Pump VIDEO - watch the hopper of a REED C50SS being properly and safely cleaned out
Trailer Pump Troubleshooting Guide - quickly diagnose the most common concrete pump problems.
PLC Error Codes - How to Fix Them (software version 3.0):
- PLC Error Code SPN: 157 "Engine Injector Metering Rail"
PLC Error Code Critical Engine Not Communicating
Piston Cup Replacement VIDEO #1 - VIDEO #2- watch REED's Service Manager change piston cups
Wear Plate, Cutting Ring, Outlet Seal Kit Replacement VIDEO
Maintenance Schedule - print and keep this REED Trailer Pump maintenance checklist. Mark it every time you perform a service to your machine
Programa de Mantenimiento - imprime y guarda esta lista de verificación de mantenimiento de la bomba REED. Marca cada vez que realice un servicio a su máquina
Lubrication Information- this guide describes how to properly lubricate your pump to avoid costly breakdowns and premature wear.
Trailer Pump Training Manual - learn to read schematics, understand how your pump works.
Trailer Pump Recommended Spare Parts (Excel)- select your pump model and version by clicking the tabs at the bottom of the Excel spreadsheet.
Photos of Spare Parts - useful when customers have made upgrades/modifications to older pumps
Cummins QSB 4.5 and QSB 6.7 Operation and Maintenance Manual
Ford 6.2 L V8 Operator Handbok
Ford 6.2 L V8 Service Manual
A40HP Quick User Guide - a quick overview of a REED A40HP Concrete Pump. For reference only. Not a substitute for technical manual!
Standard Practice for Shotcrete - by US Army Corps of Engineers - (covers both dry process shotcrete (gunite) and wet shotcrete (2MB)) 
Tech Talk with Albert - Albert Guerra's quick "how to" video collection
*These part numbers, drawings, schematics, and procedures are all subject to change without prior notification.
Version numbers below are only a manufacturing reference - they are NOT an indication of the machine's model year.
To order parts, contact your local REED Dealer directly - or call (909) 287-2100 to be directed to your REED Dealer.*
Phone: 1 (909) 287-2100
Toll Free: 1 (888) 779-7333
Fax: 909-287-2140
REED - An Independent Member of the Shea Family of Companies
13822 Oaks Avenue - Chino - California - 91710 - USA
e-mail: mike.newcomb@reedmfg.com