the MixerPump:
A Concrete Mixer and Concrete
Pump Combined!

Tech and REED have joined forces to
create the first ever MixerPump, a combined
volumetric concrete mixer and concrete
For small jobs, the all-in-one
MixerPump drives to the jobsite, then
mixes fresh concrete and pumps the concrete
wherever the contractor wants it to go.
Contractors only need to make one phone
call to schedule both their concrete and
concrete placement, saving time and money.
For larger concrete projects
(see below), the bins of the volumetric
mixer can be filled from the top by a
loader for continuous batching and pumping
more than 30 yards per hour (23 cubic
meters per hour).


The pump easily disconnects
from the mixer whenever it isn't needed,
then quickly re-attached when it is, providing
a simple "ON/OFF" solution. The REED pump
can be attached to mobile or stationary
Cemen Tech volumetric mixers. A single
power source drives both mixer and pump
The MixerPump can pump pea-gravel
mixes, ¾" blend mixes, 1" big rock mixes,
and even low-slump shotcrete mixes. The
tapered underside of the volumetric mixer
allows for ample storage of pipes and
For more information about
the MixerPump, call Cemen Tech Mobile
Mixers at 515-961-7407 or REED Concrete
Pumps at (909) 287-2100. (or email
